Health Matters
My last article about acetaminophen described how this normally very safe drug may become toxic when taken at higher doses. You’ll remember, inside liver cells paracetamol can be made into the highly toxic chemical called NAPQI. NAPQI is normally quickly detoxified by a powerful antioxidant also inside cells called glutathione (GSH). However, when the acetaminophen […]
Youth Dancers Hit The Summit
Local dancers from You Can Dance (YCD) in Emu Plains hit the world stage recently, after winning an extraordinary bid to compete at Varsity’s Cheer and Dance competition ‘The Summit’, held at Disney World Orlando in Florida. Placing 9th against the best teams in the world, You Can Dance were ecstatic with their result. Competing […]
Les Knox Awarded Ray Dukes Medal for Outstanding Service
Leonay resident Les Knox has been awarded the 2019 Ray Dukes Medal for Outstanding Service to the Emu Sports Club and Leonay Golf Club. Les moved to Leonay with his wife Judith in 1974 and quickly became involved in the Golf Club. Elected as Vice-Captain in 1977, Les became Captain in 1978 then President in […]
Opening Lapstone Hill Tunnel – the Missing Link
Blue Mountains City Council is seeking partnership with the NSW Government to open the Lapstone Hill Tunnel, for use by the public. Council is asking Hon Melinda Pavey MP, Minister for Water, Property and Housing, to consider investing in the rehabilitation and restoration of the Lapstone Hill Tunnel so that it can be considered for […]
Ever Dreamed of Flying?
Indoor skydiving is safe for kids, exciting for teens, fun for adults and realistic for skydivers. Whether you’re 3 or 103, the state-of-the-art, fully controlled, ultra-safe environment makes indoor skydiving accessible for people of any ability. Simply lean into the wind inside the giant glass tunnel and float effortlessly into flight guided by a qualified […]
50th Birthday Celebrations
This year marks a huge milestone for Emu Plains Netball Club, with the local club celebrating 50 years since they first began back in 1969. Formed by founding members Jill Beckhaus, Denise Newland and Lola Milsom, the club’s humble beginnings began with just three teams, consisting of one team in the Under 8’s and two […]
Having friends at school is a pivotal piece in the ‘happy at school’ jigsaw puzzle. Children who have positive relationships with peers are more likely to feel safe and happy at school compared to those who struggle to form friendships and feel as though they have little connections or sense of belonging. With the rise […]
Lions are Looking for Members
The Emu Plains Lions Club is looking for members, to be a part of the largest and most active service clubs worldwide. Lions are people who act with a view to helping others, who may not be as fortunate or need assistance and by working as a group with like-minded people who can contribute in […]
The Travelling Four
Meet Melissa, Mum and founder of the travelling four. I’m a master at chasing dreams, collecting memories and adventures, and celebrating the privilege of parenthood with my hubby and our two children. At the age of 40, I’ve also discovered I’m a space nerd (talk to me about NASA and space shuttles and I’ll be […]
Winter Well-being
As the temperature is set to drop this Winter, it’s time to consider ways to keep warm and stay happy and healthy despite the dreary weather and appeal of staying in bed or on the lounge watching movies all day. With seasonal weight varying from person to person, it is important to be mindful of […]